The Insurance Brokers Association of B.C. serves as the voice of the general insurance brokerage industry and promotes its members as the premier distributors of insurance products and services in B.C.

IBABC represents over 870 property and casualty insurance brokerages that in turn employ more than 8,400 people in approximately 140 B.C. communities.

IBABC provides services to its members, and indirectly to the public, in four key areas:

Education - IBABC is the primary provider of pre-licensing and continuing professional education for general insurance brokers in B.C., and the primary examiner for pre-licensing and licensing courses.

Membership services - Members receive savings that benefit their bottom line through the combined buying clout of 822 brokerages. Membership application form

Communications - Members are kept informed through BC Broker magazine, bi-weekly bulletins, social media and other timely communications.

Advocacy - IBABC represents the interests of the public and its member brokers to all levels of government and to industry stakeholders.

Mission Statement

The Insurance Brokers Association of B.C. promotes the member insurance broker as the premier distributor of general insurance products and services in B.C.


The Insurance Brokers Association of B.C. is a non-profit trade association dedicated to:

  • Serve as the voice of the member insurance broker;
  • Provide sound leadership and services to its members;
  • Be the primary resource of professional development for its members and to develop similar education and professional development services for the insurance community as a whole;
  • Maximize the individual talents and strengths of its board and members to promote their involvement in directing the growth and prosperity of the association;
  • Promote strong business relationships with insurance companies that support the insurance broker distribution system;
  • Maintain quality office staff that provides prompt, courteous and knowledgeable service to its members, the public, government, industry and other stakeholders;
  • Maintain a strong interactive working relationship with the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada.

Board Structure

Board of Directors - are representatives of the members, elected to develop and oversee the implementation of policy necessary to safeguard and advance the interests of the organization. IBABC's Bylaws allow for two directors from each of the five geographic areas of the province, plus directors at large.

Executive Committee - consists of president, chair (past president), vice-president, treasurer, executive director (chief of staff), and two directors elected by the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee meets monthly, the Board meets quarterly.

Executive & Board of Directors


Directors and other members participate in committee and task force work to oversee departmental functions and implement strategic goals. The main committees include:

Broker Identity Program - promotes the value of the insurance broker and the broker career to various publics through advertising, communications, media relations and public relations.

Technology - liaises with and provides broker input to national tech committees, updates the board on national initiatives.

Education - evaluates existing courses and proposals for new courses; identifies emerging trends and issues, and promotes education programs to the industry and to the public.

Finance - maintains a budget, oversees monthly financial statements.

Membership - promotes membership in the Association, and reviews member services.

Political Action - guards and promotes the interests of the P&C insurance brokerage vocation and consumers of insurance products with all three levels of government.

Area Liaison

IBABC has regional representation on its Board of Directors. Area directors work hard on a volunteer basis to stay in touch with fellow members in their region through meetings, email bulletins, social events, golf tournaments, seminars, office visits and phone calls. They bring local issues to quarterly board meetings and report back to members afterward. Area directors also coordinate contact with civic, provincial and federal elected officials and bureaucrats. Please support your area director's efforts to build a strong network in your region. You'll benefit immensely through the sharing of information and by getting to know your colleagues better.

IBABC maintains regular channels of communication with industry stakeholders such as regulators, insurers, allied trades and other business groups.


IBABC monitors policy issues affecting insurance broker and the insurance-buying public. Our strength is our grass-roots relationship with all three levels of government. That means brokers themselves initiate and maintain direct contact with mayors, MLAs, MPs and senators.

IBABC develops positions and policy briefs on a wide range of issues, and works with government to influence public policy at every opportunity.

IBABC History

The History Project (1858 - 2010)

2018 Centennial Awards

Contacts, Location & Hours of Operation

IBABC respectfully acknowledges that its office, staff, and broker members are privileged to live and work on the traditional and ancestral homelands, both unceded and treatied, of Indigenous Peoples and Nations across B.C. We thank the diverse Indigenous Peoples whose continued care for these lands have created a home where people’s of the world now gather. It is our desire to become stewards of the land alongside them to protect it for future generations.

Insurance Brokers Association of B.C.
543 Granville Street
16th Floor
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 1X8

Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm


Tel: 604 606 8000

Fax: Administration 604 683 7831  Education 604 683 8497