CAIB and Fundamentals of Insurance Exam Rules

  • All exams are closed book. Access to any materials or aids that might assist in passing the exam is prohibited. This includes access to any smart phone, computer tablet, programmable calculator, the internet (other than the exam browser), textbook, notebook or notes.
  • Basic hand held calculator, a piece of blank paper and pencil are allowed.
  • No talking during the exam.
  • Examinee will not save or reproduce any written, printed, or electronic copies of any part of the exam.
  • Impersonating an examinee or attempting to write the exam for someone else is prohibited.
  • Attempting to share exam questions, answers, or any other exam information is prohibited. This is confidential information belonging to IBABC.
  • Breaks of any kind are not permitted unless approved by the proctor.
  • Food and beverages are not permitted in the exam room, except water.
  • You may not bring anyone into the testing area or to your exam desk.
  • You must stop writing immediately once the proctor signals the exam time has ended.

If a proctor determines that any of the exam rules have been broken, they should stop the exam and report the incident to IBABC.

IBABC will impose the following penalties to examinees who violate any of the exam policies and procedures or engage in any kind of academic dishonesty:

  1. An automatic exam mark of 0.
  2. A prohibition from writing any exam for one full year from the date of infraction.
  3. Forfeiture of the exam fee. No reimbursements will be issued.
  4. A written report to the Insurance Council of British Columbia, which may sanction the examinee up to and including suspension or cancellation of their insurance licence.

The Proctor’s Responsibility to Academic Integrity

  • You must be present and able to view both the examinee and the computer screen for the duration of the exam.
  • You must ensure that the CAIB and Fundamentals of Insurance Exam Rules above are followed.
  • You must not provide any aid or assistance to the examinee.
  • You must provide the examinee with a computer to write the exam. The examinee may not take the exam on their personal device.

IBABC will impose the following penalties to proctors who violate any of the exam policies and procedures or engage in any kind of academic dishonesty:

  1. A prohibition from proctoring future exams.
  2. A written report to the Insurance Council of British Columbia, which may sanction the proctor up to and including suspension or cancellation of their insurance licence.

If you suspect someone, examinee or proctor, of not carrying out all of the policies and procedures of writing an exam with IBABC, it should be reported immediately. Please email Jenny Ryu at with your concerns.